
Accidents Happen! How To Get Rid Of Common Mattress Stains

We’ve all had situations where you bring snacks and a drink to watch something on tv, but the unfortunate happens, and we spill our drinks, making a great stain through the mattress. 

While some stains are easier to clean than others, here are some tried-and-true ways to remove stains from your mattress.

Step 1: Blot the liquid for fresh stains

When cleaning a dry mattress stain, the biggest challenge is to keep the fibers, fabric, or foam as dry as possible while applying the cleaning products. However, if you are dealing with a fresh stain, it is better to blot all the liquid before actually applying products or scrubbing the stain. 

To blot the area effectively, grab a towel or cloth and use pressure to absorb the liquid. Avoid rubbing the stain or pressing too hard, as you could push the liquids deeper into the mattress.

Note: You can also use a wet/dry vacuum to absorb the liquid.

Step 2: Identify the stain when possible

Knowing what to use on a mattress stain can be tricky. Some stains, like blood, may need stronger cleaning solutions to stay on for 10-15 minutes before removing. 

Here are the most common type of stains and their cleaning solutions: 

Blood Stains

These types of stains are some of the most difficult to clean, but you can remove them with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Here is how:

  • Apply hydrogen peroxide to the stain and let it soak for 10 minutes.
  • Use a cloth with cold water to “rinse” or blot the solution out of the mattress. 


Mix 1 cup of white vinegar with one teaspoon of dish soap into a bowl and then follow these simple steps: 

  • Blot the stained area with a light-colored cloth to see when it has been completely absorbed. Start from the edges and go inwards. 
  • Apply some of the solution on a light-colored cloth and pat the stain. Start from the edges and go inwards—change the cloth if necessary.
  • Once the stain is gone, rinse or blot the mattress using a damped cloth. 


Accidents happen! Pour 8 oz of Hydrogen peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and half a teaspoon of dish soap into a spray bottle and shake it until it’s mixed. Here’s what to do next: 

  • Absorb as much liquid as possible with a dry cloth.
  • Spray the solution on the stain, making sure it is completely covered. Wait for 10 minutes.
  • Use a cloth with warm water to “rinse” or blot the solution out of the mattress. 
  • Pad-dry with a dry cloth to absorb until no more liquid comes out.
  • Cover the whole area with baking soda and let sit for 8-10 hours. 
  • Vacuum baking soda once completely dry, or use a wet/dry vacuum.


Had one too many for the night and spilled all over the bed? No worries! Mix half a cup of dish soap for every hydrogen peroxide. Now, follow these steps:

  • Blot stained area from the edges and go inwards. 
  • Apply some solution on a light-colored cloth and pat the stain. Start from the edges and go inwards—change the cloth if necessary.
  • Use a cloth with warm water to “rinse” or blot the solution out of the mattress. 

Step 3: Blotting and drying the solution 

Your mattress may be clean, but now we must eliminate the excess cleaning solution. Pad-dry with a dry cloth to absorb until no more liquid comes out—replace cloth if necessary.

The best way to dry your mattress is by taking it out in the sun, which can be difficult sometimes. So, get as much airflow and sunlight as possible by opening windows and placing fans. 

Note: It will take hours to completely dry, so make sure you do this during the day or, if it’s at night, sleep on the other side of the mattress without covering the cleaned area. 

Step 4: Refresh your mattress

Once the mattress is dry, you can apply baking soda to absorb any remaining odors. Repeat this process every few months to keep your mattress smelling fresh.

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