
Clean And Care For Your Books Like A Pro!

How to clean books

Books are like old friends—they’ve been through a lot with you, and sometimes they show it. Whether it’s that coffee stain of mold from being stored in the basement or just that layer of dust that says, “It’s been a while,” books need a little care to keep them looking and feeling their best.

Let’s dive into how to clean your books so they stay in your life for years to come.

Step 1. Dust It Off Like a Pro

First things first: remove surface dust. Take a soft cloth; microfiber is great, but in a pinch, a clean t-shirt will work. Holding the book closed tight—so no dust sneaks between pages—wipe the cover, spine, and edges.
For page edges, gently flick them with the cloth or use a soft paintbrush. And please, for goodness’ sake, don’t blow on the book—it may seem efficient to do it that way, but the moisture in your breath will make the dust stick.

Step 2. Simplifying Stain Removal

Books take a beating out there: spills of coffee, fingerprints from hands full of grease, you name it. Here’s how to handle it:

  • Covers: For glossy covers, dampen a cloth—only a little, generally not soaking—with water and a mild amount of dish soap. Wipe gently and air dry. Fabric and leather covers are another matter; use only a dry cloth or, if leather, a leather-safe cleaner.
  • Pages: Be very careful. Use a white eraser for pencil marks or a small, slightly damp cotton swab for oily stains. Blot, don’t rub. And be patient; this is no job for quick fixes.

Step 3. Conquer Mold and Musty Smells

Nothing kills the joy of flipping through a book faster than a whiff of mustiness. If you spot mold, take action fast—it’s bad for the book and you. Place the book in a dry area with good ventilation, and gently sweep away mold spores using a soft-bristled brush.
For the smell, place the book in a huge plastic bag along with an opened box of baking soda; just make sure the baking soda does not come into contact with the book. Leave it like that for several days, and voilà! No more foul odors.

Step 4. Protect Your Hard-Won Efforts

Now that your book is clean, keep it that way. Store books upright on a shelf in a cool, dry place. Avoid direct sunlight (unless you’re going for that “yellowed pages” aesthetic). If you’re working with old or valuable books, consider acid-free book covers.

Why Clean Books Matter

A clean book is easy on the eyes, and by extension, it’s a way to take good care of the stories that have shaped you. Be it your favorite novel or that thrift store cookbook, giving your books some TLC will keep them around longer and keep your space sharp.

Need Help Keeping It All Clean?

If cleaning books gets you feeling ambitious, imagine what a fresh, clean home could feel like. Life’s busy—we get it. That’s why we’re here to help. Let us take cleaning off your to-do list so you can get back to enjoying life—and your books. Book with us today!

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